
Bridging realities: The Convergence of Ideology and Cybercrime

Episode Summary

We host Dr. Tom Holt from the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University, to talk about his current research and the problems of getting research into practice . Dr. Holt explaines the intricate dynamics of online ideological spaces and the rise of ideologically driven cyber attacks, emphasizing the critical need for interdisciplinary efforts between social sciences and computer science.

Episode Notes

Episode Notes:

About our guests:

Dr. Tom Holt

Papers or resources mentioned in this episode:

Cassandra Cross & Thomas J. Holt (2023) More than Money: Examining the Potential Exposure of Romance Fraud Victims to Identity Crime, Global Crime, 24:2, 107-121, DOI: 10.1080/17440572.2023.2185607

Holt, T. J., Turner, N. D., Freilich, J. D., & Chermak, S. M. (2022). Examining the Characteristics That Differentiate Jihadi-Associated Cyberattacks Using Routine Activities Theory. Social Science Computer Review, 40(6), 1614-1630.

Thomas J. Holt, Jin Ree Lee, Joshua D. Freilich, Steven M. Chermak, Johannes M. Bauer, Ruth Shillair& Arun Ross (2022) An Exploratory Analysis of the Characteristics of Ideologically Motivated Cyberattacks, Terrorism and Political Violence, 34:7, 1305-1320, DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2020.1777987

Thomas J. Holt, Joshua D. Freilich & Steven M. Chermak (2022) Examining the Online Expression of Ideology among Far-Right Extremist Forum Users, Terrorism and Political Violence, 34:2, 364-384,DOI: 10.1080/09546553.2019.1701446


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